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Activities and events
Mingle, unwind, learn a new skill, broaden your horizons, and have fun!

Community dinners
Nothing like bonding over a yummy and healthy feast! We host at least one community dinner every week. They are vegan and we do them potluck style; everyone brings something small to share so we always end up with a real feast, what a treat! You can also team up with other people to create more elaborate dishes. Don't forget to use our organic veggies of our permaculture garden in your cooking! If you are not staying at Unity yet and want to meet us to get a feel of what we're about, this is your chance. Just bring a dish to share (subject to availability, please contact us to RSVP).

Screening of eye- opening documentaries
We believe the foundation of change is awareness. The more people are informed and knowledgeable, the more fertile the soil upon which true revolutions can grow. That's why we regularly create meaningful film events to conscientize people about the critical issues we're facing nowadays as a species. This is more than just a screening; afterwards we take time to reflect collectively on the issues addressed and their potential solutions. We invite participants to question their reality and beliefs, to connect the dots and to search into their own reservoirs of knowing and moral compass to make better sense of this convoluted world. Our screenings are completely free and open to the public. Check our social medias for more information.

Gardening day
Learn permaculture and urban farming! Once or twice a month we go together in the garden to give it some TLC and harvest some fruits and veggies. We're happy to share our tips and knowledge about plants! We've been growing peaches, avocados, bananas, figs, moringa, chaya, mulberries, surinam cherries, cas, grapefuits, lemons, tomatoes, zuchinis, pumpkin, corn, aromatic herbs, katuk, cacao, golden berries, chayote, taro and much more...

Other events and classes
We have regular weekly yoga classes but we also believe in the principle of do-ocracy and the Burning Man ethos and encourage everyone to share their gifts with others. Not only does the spirit of co-creation act as a binding glue for the community, but also empowers people to step into who they want to be in the world. It’s also a step towards shifting the worldview based on the exchange economy towards one that supports social change in the direction of a gift economy. It could be a yoga class, meditation, workshop, a mini concert after dinner in the garden, a cooking class, guiding the preparation of a meal (a crepe party?), initiating an outdoor adventure, a hike, an art class, a women's / men's circle, a talk about a topic you're passionate about (you could even collaborate and organize a TED talk-style mini “unconference”... ). It can be anything you can think of! Of course this is just an invitation, no obligation, however this could be your chance to overcome your fear of doing something new and dare to reinvent yourself! Over the years we've had many activities about spirituality, Tantra, Taoism, yoga, conscious relationships, NonViolent Communication, Qigong, permaculture, all sorts of dance classes, ecstatic dances, recycling workshops, Thai massage class, communal arts projects and many other cool knowledge exchange and co-creative workshops.
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